• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • If you think that posting about any reasonably important project is important, then fine. But then again, I’d reason that the people that share your belief would already be to the relevant RSS feeds, no? Maybe the whole thing that you are trying to do could be replaced with a “PSA” style post, where you link a OPML list of RSS feeds from the projects that are worth tracking?

  • Wait, why?

    Are you saying that there is something wrong with all the communities you listed (to which I would also add !main@selfhosted.forum) ?

    Are all the moderators against “believing into taking things into their own hands”?

    It seems like yet-another community is just a manifestation of NIH syndrome. If you want to do it because you enjoy the exercise, fine. But then it makes little sense to also try to attract people that are already happy in other communities.

    In the end, this seems like it does very little to help the ecosystem. Lemmy (and the Fediverse) in general is already struggling to keep people engaged, and this constant and unnecessary fragmentation makes everything worse.

    I’d seriously ask you to reconsider this initiative. Let’s strive to look for the best of things and keep united instead of sowing more division.

  • Correct, so when I post my song I created to Funkwhale, it’s then federated across the fediverse, living on other servers and able to be downloaded.

    AFAIK, the songs do not get distributed across the Fediverse, only the link to the original server.

    Someone in the fediverse likes my song and they download it. Who then protects my license and attribution rights beside myself?

    How is it different from you hosting your songs on your own website?

    How is it different from songs you made available through Bandcamp? Does Bandcamp go chasing people pirating your work and/or using in unlicensed cases (e.g, playing in a commercial setting)?

  • Monal works fine now.

    No, it doesn’t. It is still far behind in features compared with Element. It still doesn’t have things like reactions, which is pretty much standard in any messaging app.

    That you think that Monal is an acceptable alternative makes me believe that your biases are clouding your judgment and make it very difficult to accept your premise about Element being “damned” because of its funding. But let’s just agree to disagree, because I don’t see how this discussion can go any further.

  • Again, if “venture funding” is some sort of cheat code, why can’t XMPP make use of it? Do you want some moral high ground or some minimally useful product with mass reach?

    nominally FOSS

    Does it allow copying and redistribution? Yes

    Can people fork it in case Element tries anything ridiculous like what happened with Elastic/MongoDB/Redis? Yes.

    The thing is FOSS. This is what matters. Enshittification is being thrown around way too easily nowadays

    rather about not shitting into your own water supply.

    And where is the water provided by the XMPP side? “if you are on iOS, use siskin” is not at all an acceptable answer on 2024. The mobile OS with the largest market share in the USA simply does not have a decent client. What is going to be the next line? “People shouldn’t be using iOS anyway, so we shouldn’t spend our resources on it?”

    Honestly, we are going in circles now. I don’t want to get in some type of flamewar over two separate open protocols. It starting to get ridiculous like discussing which branch of the Christian Orthodox Church is the purest one.

  • I am not trying to distort anything, I just don’t agree with your “venture-capital has enabled Element to snatch away the little sustainable funding that exists” premise. I don’t see what going after government contracts has to do with “open source funding” and I don’t think that “using VC funds to give away free stuff for developers” is something to be held against them just because the XMPP companies are not willing to risk it.

    If the XMPP business are thriving in the IoT space, good for them. But to me, as a consumer, this means nothing if they are not willing to compete in the space.

    Also, as long as we are talking about Free Software for the end product, I honestly do not care about who is funding it. All I care about is that I can find some way for my parents to talk with me and see their grandkids without depending on Facebook/Google, and if doing it with Element/Matrix is easier than doing with XMPP/siskin, then I’ll be using Element. I don’t need any of them to pass some arbitrary purity test, I just need them to deliver something minimally usable.

  • So, companies working on XMPP are healthy and thriving, but they can not afford to extend into the consumer space because… they don’t want to go up against Discord?

    makes business sense if you care about the longer term survival of your company

    Then you make a separate entity to take risks in that space, kinda like what Amdocs did with Matrix?

    I’m sorry, you can’t have it both ways. Either XMPP consumer XMPP is in a dire situation because Element beat ahead of the others due to their VC funding, or businesses working on XMPP are not interested in the consumer space because they don’t see it as worth the risk. But it makes no sense to claim that Matrix has achieved bigger mindshare with no actual merit in making a more accessible product, and that XMPP is acceptable as is.