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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • There’s an About section, saying the instance has just under 1,000 videos, and is using about 250 gigs right now. (If you include federated videos, then it’s 63,000 videos though lol.)

    I agree with you here, it sure looks like being a new video platform is a very difficult game to play. And asking for people to donate to MakerTube specifically rather than any of the myriad of other peertube platforms seems like a very uphill battle too lol.

    I do think that it would be good for all of us to get used to contributing to the operations costs of platforms where the users aren’t the product. But yeah, there’s definitely going to be growing pains lol.

  • Magazine ->Community

    Strong agreement.

    Link -> Article

    Maybe Link -> Website even, 'cause it’s not always an actual news article.

    Thread -> Post

    Agree, mainly because I think most of us would say “I’m going to post this on kbin” but I haven’t found a verb I like for …starting? a new ‘thread’ lol. “I’m going to thread this on kbin”??

    And also for branding issues lol, vs that big company.

    Post (In microblog) -> Blog

    Room for improvement here, but good start I think.

    Commented -> Discussed

    I think Comments is fine. Discussion is fine. I actually think this is where “threads” could have been used lol, but let’s not.

    Badges -> Labels
    Labels is good. Badges isn’t quite right. Stamp? Banner? Flag?

  • I agree with the intent but not the method here. I think the fediverse usually waits for activity before proceeding with its usual systems and that should probably apply here.

    I say, if a magazine has zero activity after the first month, it should have a public flag on it “Inactive” when someone visits. If someone wants to take over, they’ll automatically get control. But I think it’s okay to leave the space for people to post there, without necessarily assuming they want control over it too.

    I think inactive moderators should be handled slightly differently. One month seems too short to demote them. I say if a magazine has had no moderator log in for 3 months, the magazine is marked “No Leadership” and anyone who asks gets promoted, but let’s leave the demoting or deletions to real humans to review and commit to.

  • The fediverse should be more resistant to this (I hope). The people in charge of instances are pretty comparable to super moderators since they both can control a lot of internet real estate. The fediverse’s response to bad instance owners is to just switch to an instance that’s run in a way that you like better. Or even better, make a new instance that’s less bad!

    If there’s an instance with a problem super moderator, then the same solution should work right? Go elsewhere, or make a new magazine. If there’s a single problem user dominating all communities in multiple instances, well. Time to start “@free.folk” or whatever lmao.

  • If I think my comment is more relevant than all the others I see, I even boost myself lmao. No shame hahah.

    When I’m contributing to the conversation, I upvote myself. When I’m no longer contributing to the original discussion (like I’m talking with someone and we get somewhat off topic), I don’t upvote myself anymore.

    It’s more about what order a new person should see stuff!

  • I’m not endorsing their behaviour, but I can imagine myself doing something similar to Pips. I’m just hoping to show an alternative perspective here, maybe it’ll make the spam more tolerable for you lol.

    I follow basically all the warhammer hobby magazines/communities I come across. They’re all still growing, some a little quicker, but honestly there isn’t a single clear winner. Since they basically all would benefit from more content and activity, shouldn’t I post to several admittedly very overlapping groups?

    There’s only so much content I can contribute as a single user. I either make an OC post when I’ve painted something up, or I’ll link like the one or two noteworthy news articles for this week lmao. I can’t create bespoke content for each instance.

    I do want them all of them to succeed, or any one of them to succeed. They’re all starving for content most days. But right now, the fediverse just doesn’t have the critical mass yet. So how should we grow it?

    Eventually, a clear winner will emerge, and I’ll probably prune my subscriptions list. But we’re in the spring of the fediverse, it’s just too early to tell which sprouts will flower best.

  • I think we could have multireddits by using tags, no? We’d just need a magazines tags to automatically be applied to any content in it, and then I could just have my #tech feed, my #ask feed, and my #cycling+#bikes+#bicycles feed lol.

    I think it would be good to look at cross-posting across multiple magazines/communities too while we’re here. It’s an adjacent problem here, and I feel like we can find a nice solution for both here.

    As things are now, if we just amalgamate 6 different /tech communities, there’s going to be a lot of duplicate threads lol. If I want to post a news article to several places, it’d be nice to be able to just list them off and click post just once. Then in the multi-feeds, it’ll only be listed once please!