• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • and a limited FOV.

    Not for movies. Modern VR headsets have around 100°, comfortable movie viewing distances only needs 30-60° (+ a couple degree for head movement). The resolution is a far bigger problems, with VisionPro being the first one that can do about 1080p at 50° FOV. Most other headsets are stuck with 720p or below when they emulate 2D display.

    Also VR can effortlessly do 3D movies and Apple is the first to actually offer them out of the box, finding those for other headsets has always been a huge struggle (i.e. piracy or ripping them yourself).

    One thing I haven’t yet seen on VisionPro is if it has any form of multiplayer. Watching movies together with other people (VRChat, BigScreen), was one of the more interesting things VR can do, so far VisionPro looks like a single-player device. Outside of video calls, I have seen no indication that it has full avatars or how it behaves when multiple people in the same room wear a VisionPro.

  • It’s a bit different for MidjourneyV6, previous AI models would create their own original images based on patterns learned from the data. MidjourneyV6 on the other side reproduces the original images to such a degree where they look identical to the originals for the average observer, you have to see them side by side to even spot the differences at all. DALLE3 has that problem as well, but to a much lesser degree.

    That means there is something going wrong in the training, e.g. some images end up being duplicated so often in the training data that the AI remembers them completely. Normally that should be reduced or avoided by filtering out duplicate images, but that seems to not be happening or the images slip through due to small changes (e.g. size or crop will be different on different websites).

    Note this doesn’t just impact exact duplication, it also impacts remixing, e.g. when you tell it to draw Joker doing some task, you’ll get Joaquin Phoenix’s Arthur Fleck, not some random guy with clown features.

    All of this happens with very simple prompts that do not contain all those very specific details.

    In AI’s defense: All the examples I have seen so far are from press releases of movie stills. So they naturally end up getting copied all over the place and claiming copyright violation for your own material that you released to be reused by the press wouldn’t fly either. But either way, Midjourney is still misbehaving here and needs to be fixed.

    More broadly speaking, I think it would be a good time to move away training those AI almost exclusively on images and start training them on video. Not just to be able to reproduce video, but so that the AI get a more holistic understanding of how the world works. At the moment all its knowledge is based on deliberate photo moments and there are very large gaps in its understanding.

  • Apple isn’t building a VR headset, but an iPad for your face. It’s not just a name change for no reason, but a product that is focused on a completely different use case. VisionPro has no controller, no locomotion, basically nothing of the things that have dominated VR for the last 10 years. It’s much closer to video glasses (Eye-Trek, Sony HMZ-T1, XRealAir, Rokid, …) than a Quest3. Even if the underlying tech is very similar to a Quest3, the goals are completely different.

    Hololens did have quite a lot of feature overlap with what VisionPro is doing, but since Microsoft never developed that into a consumer version and didn’t manage to fix the low-FOV issues, that thing never really went anywhere. If they had continued with their WMR headsets they might have something like the VisionPro themselves, but WMR has been on life support for years and is now on its deathbed waiting to be removed from Windows.

    It’s also not like Apple are the first with renaming things, Facebook tried it with Metaverse and Microsoft called theirs Mixed Reality.

  • With IPFS every single website you look at becomes cached by your node and redistricted by your node, that’s the whole point of it. Redistribution is illegal by default, unless explicitly allowed or public domain. The problem is even if it is allowed, say Open Source software, that often comes with conditions such as “you must include the license when you redistribute it”. With IPFS even that doesn’t work, as each file or even subsections of a file will get redistributed independently, so if the license is in another file than the one you are redistributing, you are in violation of that license. With Bittorrent in contrast you redistributed whole directories at once, so that’s fine.

    Unless you want to use IPFS exclusively with only 90+ year old works with expired copyright, I just don’t see it working. At the moment nobody really cares, since it is small enough, but that can quickly change.

    ISPs and sites like Youtube have exceptions that allow them to redistribute illegal stuff, if they remove it when they are notified. No such exception exists for regular users and I’ll doubt that we’ll ever get one, as with IPFS there is no origin of a piece of content that you can shift the blame to.