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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • And yet all the investments, their value, and what percentage of ownership the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund possess are all publicly available on their website.

    If I filter by ‘Russia’, they still show 51 companies. Today. Let’s look at their top five, which you can also view by accessing their own data.

    Highest Percentage of Ownership:

    1. Lenta International Co PJSC: 2.25%
    2. Rosseti Centre PJSC: 2.69%
    3. Ufaorgsintez OAO: 0.99%
    4. Segezha Group PJSC: 1.16%
    5. Bank St Petersburg PJSC: 1.76%

    Highest Amounts of Investment in NOK:

    1. Gazprom PJSC: 731,368,780
    2. LUKOIL PJSC: 536,571,485
    3. Sberbank of Russia PJSC: 523,299,961
    4. Novatek PJSC: 118,267,597
    5. Surgutneftegas PJSC: 76,130,966

    ^ these alone = ~$185,140,710 USD.

    What fiduciary obligations does a pension fund have that is somehow more complex, important, and forgivable vs obligations belonging to Pepsi Co?

  • I give them grace. I assess their understanding gently and afford them every opportunity to learn on an accessible level. If they can’t learn from me, then I follow my curiosities and see what I can learn from them.

    I remind myself, often, that ‘if I’m in the smartest person in the room, I’m in the wrong room.’

  • It generally comes down to convenience of access mixed with some ethical consideration for me personally. Out of print books, textbooks, and history or research titles that are in the hundreds I’m simply not going to buy. I use JSTOR where I can, but will get academic research as I need if it’s not readily available. I tend not to pirate indie publishers for any media if I can help it. Sometimes I do to check it out before I purchase it. I try to support creators wherever I can, whenever I can. I like that options are available, and I don’t think anything should truly be off limits.