• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is about thew new starter cost.

    When a developer joins a team, they will not be as productive as they have to learn the code, frameworks, libraries, the project purpose, the tooling, etc… Often this impacts other members of the team lowering the entire teams productivity.

    When you use productivity tracking (e.g. things like capacity planning) you will see the teams performance drop and it will take time for it to exceed the previous measured performance. This is the cost of adding a new starter.

    So if it takes 6 weeks for a new starter to increase overall team producitivty then planning someone on a project for 4 weeks is pointless since the team will have a higher delivery rate without the extra person. This is typically why an organsation loses its ability to migrate staff between projects.

    Code formating affects the layout of the code and our brains do all sorts of tricks around pattern recognition, so if your code formatting rules are too different a someone migrating between projects has to spend time looking for code and retraining their brain.

    Its an additional barrier and a one within an organisations skills to remove (by forcing a common code standard).

  • Python is unique in formatting forms part of the syntax, every language has linters but its far more common for orgs to tweak the default rules .

    For example Java has Checkstyle. The default rules ‘sun checks’ give a line length of 80, tabs are 4 spaces and everything is placed on a new line.

    Junior devs inevitably want to trash the line length (honestly on 1080p monitors, 120 makes sense,).

    There is always a new line/same line discussion (everyone perfers same line but there is always one die hard new line person).

    The tab width discussion always has one junior dev complain that “tabs are better”, as someone who started development on Visual Studio 6 where half the team double spaced, the other half used tabs. Those people get a lecture from me on how we can convert tabs to spaces but not the inverse so it will always be spaces if I am near.

    With Checkstyle you upload the rule file as an artifact into your M2 repository. Then you can pull it down as a dependency when the checkstyle plugin runs.

  • I avoid any company that requires a software test before the interview.

    I worked for a company that introduced them after I joined, I collected evidence all of the companies top performers wouldn’t have joined since we all had multiple offers and having to do the test would put people off applying. The scores from it didn’t correlate with interview results so it was being ignored by everyone. Still took 2 years to get rid of it.

    The best place used STAR (Situation Task Action Result) based interviews. The goal was to ask questions until you got 2 stars.

    I thought these were great because it was more varied and conversational but there was a comparable consistency accross interviewers.

    You would inevitably get references to past work and you switch to asking a few questions about that. Since it was around a situation you would get more complete technical explanations (e.g. on that project I wrote an X and Y was really challenging because of Z).

    I loved asking “Tell me about something your really proud off”. Even a nervous junior would start opening up after that question.

    After an hour interview you would end up with enough information you could compare them against the company gradings (junior, senior, etc…).

    This was important because it changed the attitude of the interview. It wasn’t a case of if the candidate would be a good senior dev for project X, but an assessment of the candidate. If they came out as a lead and we had a lead role, lets offer them that.

  • This advice isn’t grounded in reality.

    Management normally defines ways to track and judge itself, these are typically called Key Performance Indicators.

    KPI’s are normally things like contract value growth, new contracts signed, profit margin, etc…

    So if the project manager is meeting or exceeding their KPI’s and you walk up to their boss telling them the PM is failing as basic job functions, the boss won’t care.

    This is because the boss might have set the KPI’s or the boss might also be judged on them. In either situation its to the bosses advantage to ignore you.

    The boss will only care if there is a KPI you can demonstrate the PM failing to meet.

    Every person/group will have various incentives and motivations. To affect change you have to understand what they are.

  • A project manager has responsibility for delivery of a project but they typically lack domain specific knowledge. As a result they can’t directly deliver something, merely ask subject matter experts for advice and facilitate a team to deliver.

    Most PM’s cope with the stress of this position poorly.

    This cartoon is an example of micro management (a common coping mechanisim), the manager has involved themselves in the low level decisions because that gives a sense of control. If a technical team then tell them its a bad decison the team are effectively attacking their coping mechanisim.

    The solution isn’t to tell them their technical idea is terrible, when you’ve fallen down this rabbit hole you have to treat the PM as a stakeholder. They are someone you have to manage, so a common solution is to give them confidence there is a path to delivery, a way to track and understand it.

  • SpaceX are launching 26-52 satellites at a time and have sustained 3 launches a week for most of the year.

    The satellites are in a Low Earth Orbit, without constant thrust, atmospheric drag will force them to re enter earths atmosphere within a few months. This means they aren’t adding to junk in space.

    Unlike Nasa, ULA, Arriannespace, RoscosMos, etc… SpaceX have always performed 2nd Stage Deorbit burns, so they aren’t adding to Space junk by launching either.

    The Low Earth Orbit is to ensure low latency and the need for constant thrust means the satellites have a short life expectancy by design. That is why SpaceX fought to keep the satellites as cheap as possible (e.g. $250k)

    First stage booster reuse and fairing reuse means the majority of the launch cost is the second stage ($15 million).

    The whole lot is privately funded

  • During the pandemic I had some unoccupied python graduates I wanted to teach data engineering to.

    Initially I had them implement REST wrappers around Apache OpenNLP and SpaCy and then compare the results of random data sets (project Gutenberg, sharepoint, etc…).

    I ended up stealing a grad data scientist because we couldn’t find a difference (while there was a difference in confidence, the actual matches were identical).

    SpaCy required 1vCPU and 12GiB of RAM to produce the same result as OpenNLP that was running on 0.5 vCPU and 4.5 GiB of RAM.

    2 grads were assigned a Spring Boot/Camel/OpenNLP stack and 2 a Spacy/Flask application. It took both groups 4 weeks to get a working result.

    The team slowly acquired lockdown staff so I introduced Minio/RabbitMQ/Nifi/Hadoop/Express/React and then different file types (not raw UTF-8, but what about doc, pdf, etc…) for NLP pipelines. They built a fairly complex NLP processing system with a data exploration UI.

    I figured I had a group to help me figure out Python best approach in the space, but Python limitations just lead to stuff like needing a Kubernetes volume to host data.

    Conversely none of the data scientists we acquired were willing to code in anything but Python.

    I tried arguing in my company of the time there was a huge unsolved bit of market there (e.g. MLOP’s)

    Alas unless you can show profit on the first customer no business would invest. Which is why I am trying to start a business.

  • Mardown has several valid different ways to define itself, both ways listed are valid ways to indicate italics.

    You would expect Lemmy and KBin to fix on one way but display both. That is a bug in the lemmy renderer.

    For example asterisk Is a special character, when used in JSON you have to escape special characters with a backslash. A single backslash is also a special character. What your seeing is double escaping, (e.g. something is repeating it on code)

    A quick look through the KBin code showed it using json_encode which is the JSON conversion library built into PHP. A quick google shows double calling the library on a string won’t do that and I can’t see KBin doing anything obviously wrong.

    Lemmy has had some really weird bugs, an expectation that Lemmy hadn’t escaped a block of code at a set point so they escape it and KBin is escaped would seem the most likely candidate.

    The easiest test would be seeing how it renders on an alternate KBin instance, you would expect the extra characters to show up there, if they don’t its probably Lemmy

  • The script is causing poor behaviour by subverting the purpose of the up/down vote system.

    The downvote button should be used to indicate a post doesn’t add to the conversation. It isn’t a dislike/disagree button, your supposed to comment in those situations.

    I try to put effort into my comments, when they get randomly downvoted for no reason it can be upsetting.

    Obviously you upset the mod and they overreacted, but your behaviour triggered the event.

  • When Oracle bought Sun Microsystems, it demonstrated it didn’t know how to interact with open source communities. The Hudson -> Jenkins fork is probably the most famous where Oracle thought they could dictate where teams would collaborate. The bullying tone Oracle took made it clear they viewed the community as employees who should do as they are told.

    To me this kind of fumble shows people in the Red Hat side are suffering the same issue, they don’t understand they manage an ecosystem. Ironically if Oracle, Alma and Rocky work together they stand a good chance of owning that community.