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Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I’ll reluctantly back you up since I feel like you’re right, and while I also have eyes over my back at times, I don’t mind those in-between images because yes, I’m not going to click the NSFW ones in front of my family but I can easily shrug a half naked anime girl or something because it’s the Internet and that exists. And besides, I can appreciate a well drawn image, lewd or otherwise.

    Plus, while I’ve got a young daughter, but if any one actually goes outside, you’re going to see worse just on a billboard somewhere. Or if you’re terminally online, you’ll also see it in ads. As far as I’m concerned it’s about as hard to avoid as someone saying fuck. I’ll just have that conversation when I get there.

    Sorry those who have stuck up jobs, though. The ones most likely to punish you because of an image are the ones you should most slack off during! Fuck those people, I hope we can move on to a tiered censorship system so everyone can just be happy and not fired over bullshit.

  • Ok, not necessarily my favorite but I want to shout out a Tandoori BBQ Chicken pizza I had the other day. It was like a standard BBQ chicken pizza (which, admittedly stretches the definition of pizza) and throws Indian food on it.

    My favorite right now is also somewhat blasphemous; I fancy a good spicy pepperoni square pizza, done up Detroit style (but marketed Sicilian). Buttery, crispy crust, truly splendid.

    Quick edit: y’all are also splendid. Great tastes all around!