Here to talk about fighting games, self hosting web apps, and easy weeknight recipes.

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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Aw, I was looking forward to this one. But also, meh, my unplayed backlog is huge.

    I’m gonna put on my casual-observer-business-analyst hat real quick: it seems weird that Sony is making so many decisions that they know will piss off customers with their brand lately. Microsoft has been striking out hard with underwhelming exclusives, whereas at least Sony has had a few hits. Sony could take advantage of that and use this generation to crush the Xbox brand pretty hard. The payoff would be huge later on.

    Business execs always fancy themselves as military generals; I’m sure they’ve heard that Napoleon quote, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Instead, they seem to be taking advantage of Microsoft’s blunders to just knowingly make their own blunders.

    Like, even from a cutthroat business exec mindset, there is a profit-motivated reason to just chill out with the anti-consumer stuff right now. Your biggest competitor has been absolutely unloading a clip into their own foot for like two years. Quit drawing attention to yourself.