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Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • They seem to want to be obstinate, so while I don’t agree, I’ll take a stab at answering the question:

    The link they posted has this bit right at the top:

    You may have paid money to get copies of a free program, or you may have obtained copies at no charge. But regardless of how you got your copies, you always have the freedom to copy and change the software, even to sell copies.

    The fundamental belief seems to be that however you obtained the software, paid or not, you should be free to do literally whatever you want with it.

    Where I really disagree is that proprietary software (like half of the answers in this fucking thread lol) are fundamentally not scams. A “scam” implies something that one party, the patsy, is not aware of.

  • The relatively good larger instant pot that I bought a couple of years ago was around $79, so I reckon you can still get one for under $100. Although I also have a rice cooker, I find this thing indispensable. I often have 5-8 people at my house, so a go to is throwing a bunch of chicken breast, soy, ginger, garlic, brown sugar, etc, in the instant pot for around 30-40 minutes total time while the rice is cooking. Shred chicken, turn to sauté, add a little corn starch slurry. Boom teriyaki chicken.

    We do a similar thing for chicken tacos, but spicing with chicken bouillon, cumin, cayenne, chili powder, garlic, onion, tomato. Shred, enjoy meat for tacos, enchiladas, etc. I make a passable birria in about around 2 hours.

    Country ribs/pork shoulder, bbq sauce, apple juice, onion, garlic. While it’s cooking in the instant pot, simmer down an onion. Not quite caramelize until it’s jelly, but sweat until onions are soft. Turn oven to broil, cut the entire pack of kings hawaiian rolls or similar in half, butter and brown under the broil. Shred the pork, spread on the rolls, add a little bbq sauce, the onions, and cover with provolone slices. Broil again until cheese melts.

    Chili is another good one. Although I haven’t done it, you can use unsoaked dry beans in some recipes. I usually just throw a few cans of my faves (I prefer it bitier, so more kidney) with spices and browned meat of some sort (feel free to omit) and we’re good to go.

    Most of the things I make in the instant pot are things that I would normally have to wait all day for, or at least 3-4 hours. Not great after a work day. Low and slow recipes work really well in instant pot with a minor adjustment here and there, and often you turn a 4 hour recipe into a 1 hour recipe. And as a poor, this type of cooking can be a game changer because low and slow is often for foods that are cheap. if you head to the store and buy a ny strip, you can come home and be eating great in 15 minutes. Not so much with a much, much cheaper piece of chuck.

  • If you don’t know, find the closest restaurant supply or head to amazon and just buy the Victorinox standard that is in basically every commercial kitchen everywhere. It’s probably about $20-30 and will hold up nicely. Outside of that, I found a well reviewed amazon thing for around $35-40 probably about 5 years ago, and it’s been great.

    I’m going to add a little and say that almost every kitchen should have a honing steel and a basic set of sharpening stones. No knife is going to stay sharp forever.

    If I had kitchen that didn’t have these things, that is how I’d spend my $100.

  • Thanks, Confetti, our service unfortunately doesn’t agree so we know specifically what you jack off to and we’re sending that to Walmart because they know that people who jack off to the same things you do also really like Tide® Brand Detergent. When you bought your Home SecuriCam you did consent to being recorded (it says inside of the box that by opening the box you consented to said recording) so we’re taking all of that data. We’ve let our closest 903 partners know that you seem to be developing some chafing, so you’re welcome for that we’ve already added itch cream to your Amazon shopping list. We also noticed that you have a small mole under the left buttock, and based on data we’ve collected from our leading system, so we’ve passed that on to our partners at InsuriCorp (an eCorp subsidiary) who’ve declined to continue your coverage. Our AI has also decided that the footage you’ve provided voluntarily will make for an excellent education campaign, so ads showing your face and ass will be shown on major metros round the clock, with a slight disclaimer that we definitely don’t endorse the material you jack off to.

  • I mentioned elsewhere, but people also don’t realize that this data is often collected in ways they don’t expect. For example, if you have a club card at a retailer, your purchase data is likely being shared outside of just that retailer. So you go to the store and buy some kitty litter for the first time. Then all of a sudden one of your other services start showing you ads for cat toys. Location data is sold all of the time now, and that’s often through carriers. Oh, you started going to the gym, best show some ads for workout gear…

  • This is generally wrong. Disconnect your device from the internet, and on most (for sure Siri/Alexa) will still activate if they hear the wake word. They won’t activate it they don’t. Both companies have basically said that the wake word functionality is hardware blocked, and that’s not been disproven.

    Second, not all assistants/companies are created equal. For example, Apple has made the process of involving human review opt-in. Apple also has no incentive to use this data for anything other than improving Siri. They’re not an advertising company and if anything are fairly hostile to others using Apple customer’s data for that type of thing without explicit consent. Contrary to Alexa/Google, which has an incentive to use your Voice recordings to advertise to you, EG: you ask your VA what the symptoms of food borne illness are, they show an ad or suggest a search for pepto.

    And the reality is your phone absolutely does 110% spy on you. Just not by listening to you. It is easy to understand why so many people refuse to believe their voice assistants are not spying on them.

    This part is mostly correct. Again, in the case of Apple the phone isn’t spying on you, but all of the shit you put on it is. All of those apps are collecting data and collating it in ways that people don’t understand. So even though I have a burner Facebook account, since it’s tied to my number or email (can’t remember which) and I’m sure most of my social graph shares contacts with everything that asks, as soon as I created that account FB suggests to me a whole lot of people I actually know even though I gave it no other real data. People also don’t realize that all of this data is often brokered through lots of services, so when you slow down buying tampons or something, another shopping app starts suggesting prenatal vitamins. This is a large part of the reason lots of major retailers have club cards or whatever.

  • Scrolled too far down before a mention of Comcast. I was in charge of a handful of locations where we needed broadband. They were geographically diverse enough that we had to go with different options. Comcast was the most expensive, and by a lot. Like 30%, and the slowest in dl/ul by a large margin. Comcast was also the second worst one to deal with. The actual worst one was the faster, slightly less expensive Spectrum. They had by far the worst service. A couple of locations had small DSL companies that were a delight to deal with and reasonably priced, but slow as balls. And then one location had a municipal fiber option that was the cheapest, fastest, and easiest to deal with by far. Like, I swear to god I could call them and talk to a real network engineer that no joke actually knew more than I did. I don’t mean this to sound arrogant; I am not great with networking. I’m just saying compared to “yeah, I have that in bridge mode because I don’t need router capability I’m running my own” and being answered with something like “whoa I’m going to need to get a supervisor” vs them being like “hey can you open a terminal and…” Yes, yes I can open a terminal.

  • Religious views: I grew up going to church occasionally (maybe every month or two.) It always seemed fucking weird to me. Like, even my first memories of church I remember thinking along the lines of “wow the adults are all going along with this?” We stopped attending church by the time I was 9-10, and my dislike of religion has only increased since. On the one hand, for those that find it helpful to have a spiritual connection or believe in a higher power, all good. On the other, my social and political worldviews are colored heavily by two main ideas that don’t really mesh with religion, and especially not religion as practiced in the West.

    The first view is simply live and let live. Meaning, no one should be legislating or giving a shit about something that in no way affects them. This can get difficult in a larger aspect because there are aspects of the law that affect me, but not directly. For example, even were I to have no kids, I would still argue heavily for strong educational programs because without them things that do affect me, like rates of poverty, crime, etc, go up.

    Which brings me to my second point of view, which is “common sense” is probably just about the biggest misnomer in the English language, and few people actually possess it. We legislate and make decisions for fully irrational reasons that are often against our interest, see also, the entire Republican Party for the last 40-50 years. When it comes to these types of decisions, we should focus on rational, evidence based reasoning which often clashes heavily with the way religion works.

    For example, combining these two things I believe that nearly all drugs should be decriminalized, regulated, and that as part of a comprehensive overhaul in our healthcare system, addiction prevention/treatment programs and even just safe spaces to do drugs should exist. If I want to do quite a lot of different types of drugs, that doesn’t affect you. Like up until the last 20 years or so, it’s an absurdity that marijuana was illegal everywhere, and still ridiculous there are places that it still is. That said, people who get deep into meth often turn into a societal drag because the addiction takes over, they start stealing, etc. In countries that have stronger focus around healthcare and treatment/prevention rather than policing and incarceration, they generally have more positive outcomes (lower rates of addiction, violent crime, etc.) and thus a better societal outcome for the rest of us. These sorts of policies however almost never get traction in this country though, because as stated above we often don’t react rationally and religion, which is based in virtually direct opposition to these principles, drives far, far too much (eg: > 0) of the conversation.

    As for how I got this way, I have no idea. My family background is probably a feature-length Jerry Springer episode so it wasn’t really taught to me. My mind has just kind of always worked this way, and though I’m veering deep into copy-pasta territory, it’s all a lot like feeling really weird in church back when I was like 5.