• 118 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It is not clear where Israel plans on evacuating the Palestinian citizens, as most can’t return to the northern region due to widespread destruction.

    They also more than likely cannot move into Egypt without violating a four-decade peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

    The border between Gaza and Egypt is already a humanitarian aid entry point.

    The plan has been met with criticism, including from the US, as Israel has intentions of moving ground forces into the city.

    I am sure it will be fine. IDF has shown that they go to great lengths to protect innocent palestinians.

    For real, it has some “sell their flooded houses to aquaman” vibes. Evacuate where? There is nowhere to evacuate. It would have been funny, if it wasnt so tragic.

  • I played the beta. I wouldnt call it a good game but it was a game that i enjoyed playing. Maybe i liked it because ever since i was a kid, i was always fascinated by mad max/waterworld. Having your own vehicle, roaming a hostile desert(or sea).

    You have a customizable ship, you can build it how you want. And you have a base that can be built and upgraded. And a giant open world with a forgetful story and generic npc. The gameplay was ok, though the world of warships has infinitely superior naval combat. I think it is using similar to war thunder naval combat(same publisher), which is a bit too arcadey for my taste(not that world of warships is a simulator, but it is a more immersive experience).

  • If Hamas had a command node in the hospital, the IDF better start releasing videos of underground tunnels and rooms(used for storage/command/communication/etc). Command node implies there should be at least multiple tunnels going in and out the hospital. So far, we have only seen a couple of kalasnikovs, which might be real or planted but in any case, kinda irrelevant, since 5 kalasnikovs and a dude with an rpg walking outside the hospital does not make a hospital a target.

    To bolster its claims that Hamas has a control center under the hospital, Israel’s military released video showing a tunnel shaft in the grounds of Al-Shifa. In the footage, the shaft appears to be reinforced with concrete. Exposed pipes and cabling can also be seen close to the surface. CNN cannot independently verify what the tunnel is used for, and the IDF is yet to offer clear evidence that the shaft has a military purpose.

    Surely it cant be hard to take some media into the hospital and show that tunnel, right? Also it is interesting how hamas didnt defend the hospital, at all. The hospital is huge and according to IDF is full of tunnels, that would make it a good place to ambush IDF. Especially since IDF would be less willing to bomb entire buildings, therefore it would be perfect for Hamas to fight there.

  • NATO’s is not going to be part of Turkey’s geopolitical schemes. Nukes are needed in order to be on an even footing with the other regional powers(which will also have nukes). Even if Saudi Arabia/Iran never intend to nuke Turkey, they will be at an advantage.

    Hard power translates to soft power. And if your regional opponents have nukes and you dont have nukes, you will be at a significant soft power disadvantage.

    Btw Turkey is building its first nuclear power plant, with help from Russia. Saudi Arabia also intends to build nuclear power plants soon. Thats the first step to creating a nuclear weapon.

  • Pretty sure there are NATO nukes sitting in Turkey already

    Those are US controlled nukes. And the US doesnt have the best relation with Turkey atm. They are there now, gone tomorrow. Turkey cant rely on american nukes. If other regional powers have nukes, they need to have nukes. And if Turkey has nukes, then Greece needs to have nukes for selfprotection.

    Turkey gets to wave their dicks around and make demands at the big boy table despite being a complete joke of a country.

    They have the 2nd biggest military in NATO, after the US, an immensely important geographical location and they are a regional power(along with Iran and Saudi Arabia).

  • Li’s disappearance follows the surprise removal of foreign minister Qin Gang from his post in July, also after a weeks-long disappearance. There has been no further information or sign of him since.

    In China’s political system ministers are not the highest ranking in a particular portfolio. As defence minister, Li reports to two vice-chairmen in the central military commission, who then report to Xi. However he is also one of five state councillors, which ranks higher than a regular minister. Qin remains a state councillor.

    I dont know how things work in China, but in normal countries, these positions are considered two of the most important ministerial positions. Xi is cleaning house. If it is for corruption reasons, wouldnt the chinese state brag about it?

  • I bought the game in 2013, refunded it in 2017. When i bought the game was because i wanted a spacesim and star citizen was basically my perfect game. I expected the game to be out by late 2016 or 2017, at least the singleplayer story.

    Even now, i am still hopeful. I refunded because at that point they didnt need my money and it was ridiculous how the game was still nowhere near release. Also the game run like shit and the fun factor was too low, it was too much of a simulator.

    I dont think it is a complete scam. It is obvious there has been an insane amount of effort gone into this game. Maybe part of the funds have been abused but they have been developing this game for over 10 years with 500+ devs and that is really expensive.

  • You can only play games that you already own on geforcenow, you dont get access to any “free” games. You can play steam games, origin, even some gamepass games(as long as you have a pc gamepass subscription). But again, the game selection is limited. It used to be unlimited but then the game publishers complained so now only approved games are available(1600 or so games).

    The xbox cloud gaming is shit in comparison. First of all, it runs on xbox consoles, so you need to use a controller, cant use mouse and keyboard. Secondly, the latency and overall tech is at least a generation behind geforcenow. Then again, you get what you pay for. Xbox cloud is an extra 5€, geforcenow can be 20€ a month. Geforcenow has convinced me that cloud gaming is the future, it’s that good. Xbox cloud is “eh, ok, kinda cool that it kinda works”. I am somewhat playing starfield on the xbox cloud and it aint terrible.

    I think i will buy cyberpunk and its expansion to play them on geforcenow. Honestly, if i could play all games on geforcenow, i dont think i would buy a new gpu. With cloud gaming, you not only not have to pay for the hardware, you also dont have to pay for the electricity, since you are only running a videostream on your end, which uses very little power and can be run on almost anything. Though when i tried gaming on my lg oled’s browser, it wasnt great, lots of issues, though it technically worked. Maybe it was some bluetooth fuckiness.