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Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • The Washington Post got the What’s App transcripts and multiple participants confirming the content of the chat. They then asked the mayor’s office about it and the spokesperson said that the question was anti Semitic.

    Correction, they asked about the Zoom meeting (which they had the transcript and on the record participants):

    Asked about the Zoom meeting with chat group members, the mayor’s office did not address it directly, instead sharing a statement from deputy mayor Fabien Levy noting that New York police entered Columbia’s campus twice in response to “specific written requests” from university leadership. “Any suggestion that other considerations were involved in the decision-making process is completely false,” Levy said. He added, “The insinuation that Jewish donors secretly plotted to influence government operations is an all too familiar antisemitic trope that the Washington Post should be ashamed to ask about, let alone normalize in print.”

  • Same. And knowing that I have been an efficient cashier in the past makes the awkwardness of the self checkout super frustrating. If you have the items coming down the belt and are in a groove and so it regularly, you can get through a cart of items so fast. Between the poor UI and theft deterrence the self checkout is way slower.

    Ans what happens to the people whose jobs are eliminated by the self checkout? Yeah, it’s a crap job, I know, I’ve done it. But if the only alternative in our current system is more homelessness and absolutely desperate poverty then I’ll skip the self checkout. I’d love to live in the glorious future where machines do all the grunt work and people are free to spend their time in better ways. But it seems humanity can’t have nice things.

  • Downturns happen. They don’t last forever. There is a lot of pressure from businesses to depress wages and get more work out of software engineers and IT and etc., since we’re one of the few classes of workers who actually get paid. But thinking that developers will be replaced by AI anytime soon is wishful thinking on the part of the bosses. 20 years ago it was how we’d all get replaced by dirt cheap engineers overseas. Well, I’m still waiting on that to happen. If the MBAs could clearly and unambiguously articulate exactly what needs to be implemented, then maybe it would work. But if they can’t do that when we’re all in a conference room together then they’re sure as shit not doing it over email with a 12 hour time difference.

    Keep your head up and keep trying to get an entry level gig somewhere. It doesn’t have to be Google or some hotshot startup or even a tech company. Doing IT or websites for an insurance company is still good experience.

  • Anyone who says their smart overestimates themselves. Anyone who says their dumb underestimates themselves. How does anyone even answer this question?

    I think it’s possible for someone to know that they are generally pretty smart or not very smart without over or under estimating. A lot of people will over or under estimate but if you’re just looking for a rough placement in a third of the bell curve, there’s a lot of feedback in everyday life to help.

    Pedants who choose to make big deals over minor issues are always out to prove something and are objectively not smart.

    Some people sincerely have trouble adapting to different precisions of language in different situations. I know some very smart and successful people with autism who struggle with this. It can be super annoying when they are way too pedantic for the context but I don’t think being deficient in this one area makes them dumb.

  • It’s serious medicine and not right for everyone but if you’re seriously obese then consider discussing Semaglutide or similar medications with your doctor. For some people it had been a game changer. It can make it easier to eat a small portion and then stop and it can quiet the persistent food thoughts. The side effects can be too much for some folks and it’s definitely something that shouldn’t be started without doing research and discussing with a physician. But it can make dietary changes much more attainable.

  • This is actually for a FOX affiliate station not FOX News. I don’t know if there is any relationship between local news on FOX stations and FOX News. I thought that they were supposed to completely separate entities so we can all watch The Simpsons without feeling like we’re supporting Tucker Carlson. But maybe that isn’t true?

    Over the air stations are using a limited public resource (slices of the spectrum for the HDTV or radio) so the FCC governs who gets what slices so that we don’t have a noisy mess as competing channels try to broadcast over one another. One of the conditions of a broadcast license is to provide some public good with support for emergency announcements, PSAs and news. So the FCC should have some say in whether the thing you’re doing to meet the “provide news” requirement is actually news.

    It’s kinda like, if you want a driver’s license to drive nuclear waste, they may require you to take classes on truck driving and materials safety in order to get and maintain your license. You have the right to drive a bicycle with a box of books wherever you want with no license, but if you want to drive a big rig on public roads with hazardous materials, you need some very specific licenses. And you can’t just say your buddy Jim taught you what you need in his garage last weekend. The licensing body absolutely has the right to say that your buddy popping off on a rant does not meet the qualifications of the required classes.

    But with the current Supreme Court, who knows? They could say that the FCC isn’t allowed to make value judgments on “what is news?”. If so, things may get weird. Would they still be allowed to determine “what is obscene?” or would we start getting 24-7 porn on the over the air stations? Would they still be able to require news programs? And if not, what stations would still show news? Would reruns of Three and a Half Men bring in more money than local news? If so, maybe the only stations that would still bother would be ones with owners that want to broadcast specific kinda of news regardless of profit?