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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • No. Though it’s been used in recent times during all sorts of protests, its meaning and what kinds of protests in appears at are all over the map. It was even used by some during the January 6th insurrection. It’s also appeared alongside a fedora often enough that it gives me a little cringe to see it outside of an organized protest. If you really want to make a difference, get involved in an organization instead of fantasizing about being some lone wolf that takes down an individual to magically solve systemic problems. If you need to hide your face at a protest, try something that doesn’t provide royalties to a huge corporation.

  • Yes, in the sense that they have fat stores. The example that comes to mind is pretty disturbing, so here’s your chance not to read it: >!I read a thing about cockroach cognition a while ago but can’t find it again, but it was about how the scientists studying them imposed human personality traits to them but got a harsh reminder that the behavior patterns weren’t necessarily signs of intelligence or personality when accidentally crushing ones abdomen and seeing it try to eat its own exposed fat.!<