I just upgraded to a 13, but the trade-in was only $80 and I thought I might find something better to do with it than just get $80 back, so I’d love suggestions. Remember, it doesn’t have cellular access anymore, just wifi. Does anyone have any good ideas for what to do with it? A friend suggested a dedicated GPS for my car, which I would obviously have to upgrade on occasion, but I can do that from my garage. Slightly annoying, but possibly useful. Any other ideas?

Yes, I know, throw it out or use it as a coaster. Ha ha. Very droll.

  • BlackEcoA
    1410 months ago

    Use it as a webcam? Probably way better than most webcams on the market.

    • Flying SquidOP
      510 months ago

      I love the idea, but the only time I ever use a webcam is for zoom meetings for work and I’m sitting in front of my desktop for those. I don’t really care about the quality for that. In fact, I don’t care if I look like a ball of fuzz. But if I ever do care, it’s good to have something around for that.

    • Flying SquidOP
      210 months ago

      I don’t know that I would use that much myself, but I think it’s generally a good idea.

  • @Juggs@aussie.zone
    710 months ago

    Use it as a security camera. Plenty of apps that will do that, all it needs is a wifi connection and power.

    • Flying SquidOP
      110 months ago

      Not a bad idea, although I’m not sure where I would mount it. Ideally outside, but I wouldn’t want to expose it to the elements like that. I doubt it would last long.

    • netburnr
      210 months ago

      Lipo batteries and hot cats don’t get along, he would have to remove it from the car every time he isn’t driving.

    • Flying SquidOP
      10 months ago

      Oh I like that idea! It’s too bad I couldn’t run that and a map at the same time. Although the audio directions would work.

  • th3dogcow
    610 months ago

    Do you cook? I use my old iPhone to view recipes in the kitchen. It’s attached to the backsplash with Velcro. It is always plugged into a charger, but it is connected to a smart switch (already had set my house up). Set a shortcut to turn on the charger when the battery is 20% and to turn off the charger when it is 80% so as to get the best battery life.

    • Flying SquidOP
      110 months ago

      I do not cook. Cooking makes me super anxious. But I can definitely see that being a good idea for people who do.

  • @charlytune@mander.xyz
    510 months ago

    You can donate it to a charity or a community group, there are some that refurbs phones for use by people in impoverished communities and countries. I gave an old laptop to a local group helping refugees learn English online.

    • Flying SquidOP
      410 months ago

      I would have to research to find one. No way am I doing it locally. The Catholics have all the charity groups tied up here and fuck me if I’m going to help them.

  • @mateomaui@reddthat.com
    410 months ago

    keep it as a backup 2FA device in case your daily phone dies or goes missing one day. use it every now and then to import 2FA codes from your main phone’s authenticator apps.

    • Flying SquidOP
      410 months ago

      I’d like to do that, but it would have to be an emergency backup only because the battery is dying and I’m not paying for a new one.

      • @mateomaui@reddthat.com
        10 months ago

        That’s what I do. Have an old iphone6S that works when plugged in and maybe for 45 mins after that. Apple would happily take it off my hands for free, but as long as the battery doesn’t swell and break it open, that’s a good enough 2FA emergency backup for me. As long as I can use it to restore all my codes back to a new phone, it does the job.

  • @yokonzo@lemmy.world
    310 months ago

    Fb marketplace is a pretty good place to sell phones, probably can’t get full price but half is not unreasonable, definitely more than $80

  • Rylyshar
    19 months ago

    I walked into an iPhone repair shop when my old iPhone’s battery went puffy and they offered me $100 cash. That made me very happy!

    • Flying SquidOP
      29 months ago

      I ended up donating mine to a domestic violence shelter. I think that’s worth more than me getting $80.

  • ChaoticNeutralCzech
    10 months ago


    iPhone XR

    I am using a 2017 mid-range Android phone with a custom ROM and I’m very happy. The XR came out in 2018. Don’t tell me that iPhones hold their value for longer.

    it doesn’t have cellular access anymore

    WTF?! My grandma is still using a Nokia 3410 from 2003 and nobody expects 2G to shut down anytime soon. Did you breach the terms of your celluar contract?

    If the OS is too old, just go to xda-developers.com, search for a ROM for your mo… oh wait, you bought into the phone brand that ages faster for this very reason.

    • Flying SquidOP
      210 months ago

      I got a new phone. So the SIM is now assigned to a new phone. Why would the old phone still have cellular service?

        • Flying SquidOP
          110 months ago

          I could, but the battery is dying, hence me replacing it. It’s not very good as a cell phone if I have to leave it plugged in all the time. However, other people have made good suggestions. I’m not sure what your problem is.

            • ChaoticNeutralCzech
              210 months ago

              In the EU, we’ll be able to replace them easily again… in 2028 at least. With an expected lifetime of a battery being 500 cycles, a battery swap is maintenance, not repair. I cherish phones where you could just remove the battery if they got stuck instead of waiting for them to discharge. It does not happen too often because Android is very stable now but I have some old phones (pre-Android 5) lying around, which I use as burner phones (they are recovered from trash) or for simple things like internet radio.

              Odd how late legislature came when Apple has been throttling iPhones with old batteries for over half a decade.

            • Flying SquidOP
              110 months ago

              Yeah, I could have spent a couple of hundred bucks getting the battery replaced or I could just get a new phone for $10 a month. I know which one I can afford.

                • Flying SquidOP
                  110 months ago

                  I don’t know why you can’t accept that I got a new phone and want to use the old one for something else, but I still did. Sorry, time can’t be reversed.