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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • I wasn’t a fan of Firefox either and personally lived using edge. When the whole web integrity thing started happening, I felt like I should switch to Firefox and haven’t looked back.

    I still have some complaints, like you can’t install sites native app which I used a lot. I don’t think tab groups have been implemented yet, which isn’t a huge deal but very useful. And there were a few others I can’t remember off the top of my head. In the end I value my privacy a bit more so I’ve decided Firefox is worth it.

    Plus mobile ad blocking is a god send.

  • The last time I pirated a game was for Freelancer. Couldn’t buy it anywhere except a CD and there was no guarantee it would work so I pirated it, it wasn’t what I expected, so I removed it.

    I also downloaded a Halo CE crack for PC but I owned the physical disk and just used it to play with friends at a LAN party.

    Otherwise there’s no reason to pirate anything gaming related, short of protest or something.

    TV, movies and music are so hard to find. Lots of people will tell me “no just use Spotify”. No. Go try to listen to Turn the Page by Bob Seger, and not a live version. The only versions Spotify has are the live and the Metallica versions. Try to find Whitesnake’s Deep Purple cover album. I used to never pirate music because I could buy the few albums they didn’t have and upload them to Google music. Now, there’s no option for that. I’d rather have a smaller library with the music I want than a massive one that’s missing my favorites,

  • The difference is that Dwarf Fortress only released on Steam because they had financial worries due to some health scares. They decided to release it on steam and charge for it but they wanted to deliver a major overhaul of the UI to justify selling it, even though people wanted to pay them for years.

    DF has been in development for 20 years but it’s essentially a full game that they’ve been making better. Yeah it’s buggy (they simulate so goddamn much of course it’ll have bugs), but it’s at least a full experience that you can replay many times and never have the same experience.

    Star Citizen does not deliver a full game, it’s just a glorified tech demo. It’s cool tech, but it’s not worth playing in my opinion.

  • I guess it’s not quite that level of “fuck this shit I’m out” but I realized that I was doing a significant amount of work that would be outside the description of a junior software engineer. I chatted with my boss and asked for a raise, he went to HR and they said no, so I asked for a promotion and he took it all the way to the VP and they still said no. After that I said “well they must not care about me but this other company is offering a 20k raise so I’m out.”

    It did suck because my boss was still probably the best manager I’ve ever had who gave me everything he could to help me succeed but they refused to give me a raise. I don’t miss the work but I for sure miss that team.

  • I can’t remember if my dad sent me up an Ubuntu server on an azure hosted VM or if we installed it on an old laptop that was shitting out but either way, I’ve always gone back and forth since I was like 13 or 14.

    For servers, I use Linux exclusively. I don’t see a need for windows on them and as such have just always used either Ubuntu or RHEL for anything that I need to treat as a server. For laptops, I generally started with windows and then installed Linux a few years later but if I get a new one it’s gonna be Linux out of the gate.

    My desktop, on the other hand, is different. I’ve always used windows on my gaming desktops due to compatibility but a few years ago I tried Linux as my only OS for a bit. I loved using it at first, but then I ran into all the issues with trying to run a beefy gaming PC on Linux. Fan curves were a nightmare to set and half the time they couldn’t find my fans so they were either at full blast or off, and I hated the idea of using the bios because I don’t want to turn my PC off to set them. RGB was okay but some of my stuff didn’t get found, and all I wanted was a solid color but it was very hard. Some games didn’t work and they were the ones I wanted most.

    Ultimately, I went back to windows but then a year or two later the steam deck came out, so gaming has come a long way. I’m very much considering it again but I have to do my research beforehand to see what tools I’ll need. If anyone has any suggestions, I’ll take them!

  • I didn’t mind the poems at first. When they first popped up, it was only every now and then and they were generally shorter in length and easy to quickly read and digest. Over time, they turned into full-on 10 minute poems with 40 stanzas that flooded every single post. It was no longer novel and I just ignored them every time. Basically, if I see you in every thread, it’s no longer enjoyable. Find a new thing.

    I also hate the dog speak. I don’t mind it for like, a half second, but anything longer than that and I’m done. I’ll post a pic of my puppy sleeping and a friend will respond “pubby sleeb” and that’s the end of it. On Reddit, it would be every person responding “heckin big sleeb” or “smol slep” and all that. One of my least favorite communities was that one where the whole shtick was that they’d post a picture of a dog and everyone would speak like babies.

  • Alternatively, one of my favorite things about Reddit was the circlejerk communities which were half tongue-in-cheek about gatekeeping certain things.

    /r/guitar was known for being weird about their guitars, to the point you’d think they wanted to fuck them. /r/guitarCirclejerk was great because they’d ham it up and take it even further. /r/VinylCirclejerk was the same, they’d just post pictures of their feet with a record way off in the distance and say “how’s my collection?”

    It’s semi-gatekeeping, but it provides, in my opinion, a funny counter to some of the more serious subs, or just makes fun of people who post dumb things.