• 13 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • I felt like and always did, about how social media is one gigantic misleading bloat of a sham. We’ve already perfected communication, you cannot get any better than instant messaging and video calling. The only improvements needing to be made is just better bitrate and whatever small technical steps needed.

    But in general? Social Media is just overinflated. It overcomplicates communication. And all that social media is, is one gigantic data farm that we all contributed to, because social media was touted as a thing that was going to change the world, the next big thing. Well, it was right in the beginning but it took us too long to have seen the detrimental effects it has on the world now.

    Then again, it’s like, we’ve already had social media in it’s simplicity. So okay, you didn’t get together with your favorite niche group in instant messaging. However, there were things like MSN Groups back in the 2000s. There were Yahoo! Groups too. So it’s like, what exactly did Facebook, Instagram, Twitter .etc really bring? Nothing that you couldn’t do two decades ago!

    The only net benefit of social media at all anymore is to reach everyone globally and that’s about all of the only net positive I can think of social media’s purpose anymore. Other than that, it’s corporate’s playground.

  • The electoral college would be eliminated, we are going to decide things from now on through popular votes. There will be no more Super-PACs, no more points based on state. 1 vote = 1 person.

    I am all for what I’ll call The Great Reset. This system will be a system in which we will gather every single system that has been straying too far from it’s intended function and design, by resetting them to better accommodate the current needs of modern society. And this will be part of the beginning of it.

    Any party that has been deemed too anti-democratic, such as the nazi party, is disqualified. They are not exempt from the Great Reset.

  • I think it’s adorable how so many idiots think I’m some well-off CEO or executive. Bruh, I’m just like you, a person working a shitty job. I just don’t take dumb risks like you would. I know and care about the people I work around so I don’t do stupid fucking shit that’ll affect them like stealing from the store.

    Shitbags like you, sit there in your little internet armchair of knowledge, pretending you know it all but I bet you get welfare and foodstamps because you’re a deadbeat who doesn’t want to work. That’s why you think stealing is okay. That’s why you’re all up and arms to justify why shoplifting is okay. Because that’s where you probably are in life - at the damn bottom. Look at me, asshole, I get paid $17.82 an hour and my monthly expenses are north of $1,700. Do you have that kind of responsibility? Do you? No you don’t fuck ball, you don’t know a fucking thing about me, so sit down in that fucking little internet chair of yours and shut the fuck up. Go shove a dick in that run a mouth of yours, retard.

  • This will not do anything. Kids are typically dumb online, adventurous, but dumb online who’ll do dumb things in unpredictable fashions. It’s like putting all of those plug covers to make sure children don’t pull them off, except they will and do, prompting them to curiously stick a fork into the socket.

    That senator is more concerned about what’s online for kids, than how Republicans are actively pushing kids to work jobs that are unsafe for them. Might want to re-evaluate your priorities, dude.

    Don’t even get me started how kids have long been able to lie about their age online to get to adulterated content.

  • I would love to have relived my high school days again, it wasn’t too too bad. Might’ve have had a rough start for the first few months of freshman year, but that was to be expected. The rest of the years was fine, all things considered.

    It was my middle school years that I honestly am better off forgetting, aside from a few good childhood highlights that everyone else would remember. Things like how decorated for the holidays the school got, halloween parties, special activities and other things. But I don’t miss the humiliating points and the struggles of having to put up with antagonizing people.

  • Yeah because by that point, men weren’t allowed to have feelings. Men had to be…Men who did MAN things. Working on cars - MAN thing. Drinking beers - MAN thing. Doing lumberjack or other fields of intensive labor - MAN thing. There was no room for these things called emotions because that made you a BOY and we need to separate the boys from the men! That was the kind of rhetoric that was instilled in male society for decades up to that point.

    And it took someone like an animated character like Kenshiro from an anime to show people that it’s actually okay for guys to have feelings. In a show where he does an awful lot of manly things.