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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Sexism isn’t sexism because it only happens to women. Sexism is sexism because it overwhelmingly impacts women. Implicit bias is a thing, someone doesn’t need to wake up and go “I’m gonna be sexist today” for it to still be sexism. This isn’t something I pulled out of my ass, it’s something well documented not only across tech but across the workplace in general.

    Thanks for writing an entire essay trying to disprove my experiences though.

    Sadly this happens every time this is brought up. Why is it so hard to just listen to women? The ways I said you can help are not a very big ask at all.

  • Woman in tech, some stories to share

    Back at my first job I was interested in switching teams. I interviewed with one of the existing employees and everything went well. I then had an “interview” with the manager who spent the entire time telling me why I wouldn’t want the job, all things that I was well aware of when I applied go transfer, and all surrounding me being a weak little emotional woman. I reported him to my manager, but nothing ended up happening. He was one of the original employees when the company first started so he was untouchable.

    Same thing with clients at my first job. I was a consultant and got sexually harassed by clients A LOT. Staring, comments, overstepping boundaries in various degrees. Not once would the company remove me from an assignment for fear of upsetting the customer. I was expected to just get over it and “remain professional” which means I wasn’t allowed to say anything to them.

    Fast forward to today and several jobs later (skipping some less egregious sexism and sexual harassment) I currently work for a company that is consistently voted one of the best places for women to work. Now sexual harassment wise, it’s great, no problems with that thankfully. But I have dealt with sexism such as men telling me my ideas suck and then immediately turning around and presenting them as their own. This was corroborated by the other woman on our team. I documented this pattern of behavior and reported it and surprise! nothing happened. The people doing those things were supposed to have some bullshit “how not to be sexist” classes and that didn’t even happen.

    I was recently promoted and I found out I am paid 20% less than male employees in my same role at the company. And it’s not for lack of negotiating or trying, it was on ongoing battle for multiple months. I left my previous job when I found out a guy on my team at the same level was making like 20k more than me. History repeats itself. And men are just blessed with raises and promotions they didn’t even ask for while I am out here documenting and presenting all the reasons I deserve it for scraps.

    And it’s not just as simple as “quit and go somewhere else”. It’s a surprise at every job you take, it could be better or worse. But there has always been varying levels of sexism at every job I’ve have had. Even if I’m on a great team where everyone respects me, there could be someone on another team I have to work with that completely disregards me. It’s a risk every time you switch jobs.

    Rant over. Ways you can help

    • If you work remotely or over video calls a lot a HUGE benefit is using the hand raising feature. Women get talked over A LOT and if you respect the hand raises everyone gets an uninterrupted turn to speak

    • If you notice someone being interrupted, step in and say “X was going to make a point, and I would like to hear what they have to say” or similar

    • Call out sexism if you see it. There are ways to do this that are not aggressive/rude sounding. If someone brings up an idea as their own, you can say something like “Oh yeah I remember X brought up Y in the previous meeting and I thought it was a good idea” or “X created documentation for Y proposal that I think is really useful in this decision”

    • Sometimes, I just want someone to step in so I can move on with my life. Let’s say we are troubleshooting something and I say X is the solution but it is shot down or ignored by the person I have to work with. Be that dude I can ask to tell them X is the solution so they finally implement it and finally be done. Yes this happens a lot, and this tactic works every time.

    It gets very tiring and beats you down to have to fight the same fight all the time, when all you just want to do is do your job. So it really helps to have a culture on the team where people are also speaking up when they see something.

  • Pride makes money. Companies make money off pride merch and it costs them $0 to be inclusive of LGBT+ people.

    But god forbid they do anything beneficial if it doesn’t make them money or gasp cost money. That’s why they actively find new ways to discriminate against disabled people without it being too obvious so they can skirt the law. Plenty of disabled people can do just as good or better at a job than an able bodied person with accommodations, but you’re immediately a threat to a company if you request those accommodations. And then of course, just like anti union propaganda, the general public gets told that disabled people are greedy moochers that need to fuck off out of society.

    I worked for a company that is vehemently anti WFH. They had everyone working remotely for all of COVID no problem. But now if a disabled person requests WFH as an accommodation they are told it is “not reasonable” and it is denied. It’s very easy to get away with discrimination against disabled people because a lot of us are just trying to get through the day. Sitting in a court room to fight a company that will extend the lawsuit as long as possible sounds like my own personal nightmare. Hell, speaking of court even FUCKING JURY DUTY won’t accommodate a lot of disabled people. That’s literally the government and they don’t give a fuck. I speak from experience.

    Like most things, the answer is money. They want able bodied workers they can make money off the back of for the minimum amount possible.

    Sorry this turned into a rant lmao

  • I used to be fat, and when I watch morbidly obese people talk about how much they love food and it makes them happy and makes them feel better that is 100% me. Food is absolutely an addiction for some people, including me. Thankfully I have it under control to be at a healthy weight and lose weight when I need to, but some of these people have absolutely tragic childhoods or life experiences and I don’t blame them at all for coping in that way. I could 100% see myself in that position if I had been through what they have been through.

    However, those people are self aware that they are unhealthy. The people I can’t stand are the “healthy at every size” fat acceptance people. Healthy at every size was SUPPOSED to be that you can make positive health focused changes at any size and there is no point of no return. But it got twisted into I can be morbidly obese and I am still 100% healthy forever. And they even make people feel bad for wanting to lose weight, even if it’s for health reasons. Those people are trash and fall on the same level as antivax people IMO.

    Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, until you start spewing harmful bullshit and then I will judge you as much as I want.